Wednesday, 6 April 2016

A good start - Day one

Flights great, 7 hours to AD, and then 4 to Sri Lanka, and all arrived on time. The only incident was the stewardess spilt a little water over Heather when pouring get a drink, of course I laughed. Then we hit some turbulence, and both glasses fell over me. So I had a wet patch for most of the journey....

Got through customs pretty quickly, and our bags were pretty much the first ones off

After organising our taxi, no one is there when we arrive, and meanwhile we are constantly getting people coming up to us asking if we want a taxi. Call them, and they promise a taxi in 5 minutes, still no taxi and been waiting nearly 30 minutes!

Some chap had been asking if we are ok, so we decided to use him, so he asks us to wait outside while he gets the car

10 minutes waiting and no sign of him, and meanwhile another 40 people ask me if I want a taxi.....

Eventually he turns up in a rather less than new Nissan saloon car, and a chap comes out of nowhere to load up my bags, which having packed light there is no need. Then of course he now wants money.

We have been waiting nearly 45 minutes for transport, its now 4.30am in the morning and all we want to do is get to our hotel...

Eventually we set off, and he is a very careful driver, and by that I mean slow. We must have done the whole journey at 20mph, so a 10 minute taxi ride takes nearly 30 minutes, and we are overtaken by everything but push bikes.

Well we got here at 5am, and in fairness it's a lovely hotel, very friendly people, but we are knackered.

So sleep time, breakfast stops at 10am, so we get 4 hours shuteye and down to get a bit to eat.

First impressions are it's very hot, lovely people and a great beach we will explore later.

Also our first taste of what you can do with a towel!

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